Where Americans Think They Live

discovering alabama

Last week, FiveThirtyEight’s Walt Hickey wrote a couple of interesting articles about which states are in the Midwest and South. Being from North Carolina—where people definitely consider themselves Southern—I was surprised to see that only two-thirds of all respondents to the FiveThirtyEight survey said North Carolina was in the South.

This made me wonder: How do people from different states define the South and Midwest? And specifically, how do the views of people from who live in a state differ from those of people who don’t live there?

In keeping with their commitment to release an article’s underlying data, FiveThirtyEight published the full survey results on GitHub. Opening this data enables further exploration, as in the interactive graphic below. I looked at how every state in the U.S. views the South and Midwest, and how local opinions compare to national views.

The data reveals many additional findings:

Explore the data #

The graphic takes a moment to load.

Benn Stancil is the chief analyst of Mode.


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